Planning Applications

The links below will take you to the Dorset Council new planning system to view the details of the Planning Appplication you are interested in. Once there, you will be taken to a disclaimer page. Please scroll to the bottom and press "Accept" to view the application details.


Location: Land At E 383210 N 117510 Village Road East Orchard

Proposal: Erect steel portal frame agricultural building for storage of fodder and machinery

Status: Planning Not Required 



Location: Land At Keybrook House Lane, East Orchard Erect Agriculture Building

This is not a planning application but a request for the Council to determine whether or not Prior Approval is required.


Location: Hartgrove Farm Parsons Lane Hartgrove SP7 0JY
Proposal: Form agricultural track

Prior Approval Granted




Location: Guys Marsh Prison Access to HMP Guys Marsh Guys Marsh SP7 0AH

Proposal: Demolish redundant sports pitch pavilion, existing workshop, IT portacabins & Wessex building. Erect 2 No. two storey houseblocks, new workshop, office accommodation for offender management, extension to existing cardiovascular building, control and restraint building unit & form all weather sports pitch within secure perimeter fence, with parking, landscaping & new pedestrian footpath (with variation of Condition Nos. 2 and 13 of Planning Permission No. P/FUL/2021/03090 to amend the approved plans and approved drainage scheme relating to the new workshop).



Location: Field View Farm Fishey Lane East Orchard Shaftesbury SP7 0LQ

Proposal: Conversion of agricultural building (with extant C3 consent) to one (Use Class C3) five bedroom dwellinghouse and associated landscaping  



Location: Mansfield Farm West Orchard Shaftesbury SP7 0LJ Proposal: Erection of agricultural workers' dwelling (reserved matters application to determine appearance, landscaping and scale following the grant of outline planning permission number P/OUT/2023/06248)




Location: Steps House Drove Lane East Orchard SP7 0LH

Proposal: External & internal alterations, including replacement windows, restoration of coved eaves detail, removal & replacement of internal partitions, replacement wall finishes, floor repairs & re-instatement of ceilings



Location: Land East of Orchard Corner, Parsons Lane, Hartgrove, SP7 0LA

Proposal: Erection of 1No. dwelling. Remove existing caravan and garage. (outline application with all matters reserved]




Location: The Old Chapel, Parsons Lane, Hartgrove, SP7 0LF

Proposal: Demolish side brick wall and replace part front boundary wall with new wall and erect enclosed porch to rear door



Location: Marsh Farm Marnhull Road Margaret Marsh SP7 0AZ

Proposal: Change of use of agricultural building to a flexible commercial use to provide offices within Use Class E

Prior Approval Granted